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Writer's pictureDuane C. Fernandez Sr.

A Message From The City of Daytona Beach

On August 11, a concerned resident alerted us about a recent door-to-door solicitation by a company selling water treatment systems.

The City of Daytona Beach does not endorse or authorize water quality testing done by private companies.

Typically, companies use a variety of methods to convince homeowners to purchase expensive and unnecessary home water treatment/filtration equipment.

Homeowners should use discretion if presented with information indicating that their tap water requires additional treatment, especially if they are being pressured to sign contracts right away or advised that prices offered are only available for a limited time.

The drinking water provided by the City of Daytona Beach meets or exceeds safety and quality standards set by federal and state regulators.

Information about our water quality, the steps we take to ensure our water is safe, as well as the results of our rigorous testing, is available at #CityDaytonaBeach #BeInformed

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